01 January 2021

Fun With CMD(Command Prompt)


This  Page Will Give You Additional Information For Fun Tricks

 How  Does  Colur  Of Background  Size ,Font Being  Changed  In CMD

Did you know there is a settings menu?

●  Right-click the title bar and open Properties for settings that include the ability to       change your Command Prompt's font, layout and colors, as well as options such      as Quick Edit mode, which will automatically paste text from your clipboard              when you right click in the window.

Bonus: You can also customize the text in the top bar by typing title followed by the text that you want (example: title My title was pasted with Quick Edit mode).

Command Prompt keyboard shortcuts

Tapping the up and down arrows on your keyboard will cycle through commands that you've previously entered. More shortcuts:

Tab: When you're typing a folder path, tab will auto-complete and cycle through directories
Ctrl + M: Enables Mark Mode which lets you move the cursor in all directions with the arrow keys
Ctrl + C or V: As of Windows 10, you can copy and paste with Ctrl + C and V like elsewhere around the OS
Ctrl + F: Likewise, Ctrl + F now lets you search for text in the Command Prompt
Ctrl + Shift + Scroll on your mouse: Increases or decreases the window transparency (+ and - keys work too)
Alt + Enter: Enables full-screen mode with no title bar displayed on top (F11 also works like elsewhere in Windows)

Delete temporary files from your drive

Some of the temporary files on your drive can be deleted with the following commands (/q runs the operation without a confirmation prompt, /f ignores the read-only attribute and forces deletion, /s deletes contents from all sub-folders):

  • Delete temporary user files: del /q /f /s %temp%\*
  • Delete temporary system files (requires admin rights): del /s /q C:\Windows\temp\*
  • ...Or run them together: del /q /f /s %temp%\* && del /s /q C:\Windows\temp\*

Watch an ASCII version of Star Wars Episode IV

A variety of old school telnet services are still available, including the ability to watch Star Wars Episode IV.

Enter telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl into a Command Prompt for the movie to start (there's no sound).

Note: If the command isn't recognized, you might have to enable telnet. Search Start or the Control Panel for "Turn Windows features on or off" and check the box next to Telnet (click Ok...).

More places you can go via telnet:

  • telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl 666 (a "bastard operator from hell" excuse generator)
  • telnet telnet.wmflabs.org (Wikimedia)
  • telnet rainmaker.wunderground.com (Weather Underground)
  • telnet aardmud.org 4000 (Aardwolf)

Telnet Codes Links:- Click Here

My Youtube Channel Link:- {[MAXXND}]

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